Wallet: 0x1aD97A911938DbC2ceCC9435EC2D306991071122, Game shows I can hatch 3 eggs ingame but actually when I try to hatch them I get an error message for a couple of days now. A crying penguin is displayed with 'Something went wrong' text. Please help with solving this issue.
Павел Меньшиков
I figured out what the problem is, it's not really related to penguins and more to the stupid abstract wallet system itself.
A few days ago I discovered that if you log out of your wallet and log back in the same way you registered, you get redirected to another wallet, completely empty.
The penguin app sees the new wallet, not the old one, although in fact when you log in inside the abstract you are in the old wallet.
Therefore, for some reason, it does not understand which wallet you are currently trying to burn eggs on, because inside the penguins you are logged in from the new one, and inside the abstract from the old one.
Please contact the drug addicts from abstract and ask them to fix their stupidest wallet in the world, and also let them add the ability to login by seed phrase.
Helembai Mihály
This is the problem here as well: I have 8 eggs, but the mobile app doesn’t allow me to open them. I tried importing them into my AGW wallet (0x3F71214899685c2f645e7c049e423b1C997A1Fa9), but they don’t appear there either. Additionally, in the task where you have to collect snow, sometimes the sickle gets stuck in the penguin's hand, and it starts walking around the map with it. When this happens, you can’t do anything with it except make it walk around!
Crypto Mike aka Crafty
Having the same issue. I have 5 eggs that i cant hatch. I tried uninstalling ans reinstalling the game, but all that did was completely redet my progress in the game except for the stickers and eggs i have in my wallet. But Im now having to start all over.
Bonjour, c'est justement le post que j'allais mettre. J'accumule les oeufs mais je ne peux pas les ouvrir car une erreur survient à chaque fois, exactement comme tu le décris, et j'avance pas dans les stickers du coup... 😥
Robert P Ebers
Same here.! Penguin Life is an unmitigated XP farming disaster. To add insult to injury messages to support have gone unanswered. Where are you support when your community needs you? Next step is to go back to Abstract to see if they can do something about this dapp partner...
Best Kash
Same here.... I keep getting logged out every Tuesday and got two weeks I haven't gotten XP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭