The loss of the legendary egg
under review
I got the legendary egg about an hour and a half ago, as a result, I waited for more than an hour, the claim button appeared, but when I clicked on it, nothing happened, I decided to restart the game and the miracle of some kind of horseradish egg was gone! solve this problem, please, for the second time I got the legendary egg, I was so happy and here is such a setup! There are no words about this, it's a complete disappointment...
My abstract -
under review
tambem estou com mesmo problema, assim fica dificil ja é na sorte e ainda não vem
Djoni Martial
I have the same problem: I found two eggs, both disappeared, and they’re not in the basket. Sometimes a bunch of eggs appear that can’t be opened.
Jandora Goth
I have same problem!! Found egg and can't claim, after reload egg lost
My nickname in game moiisey