Some bugs
in progress
- Hire 20 pudgies task doesn't count. 19/20, because I don't think it counts any penguins (I checked many times)
2. Complete your first sticker page doesn't count for me, because I had this page collected before the public announcement of the game.
- buy uncommon egg or higher doesn't count for me, if you buy rare/epic (I haven't checked the rest) also I made purchases before the public release of the game, when the only activities were buying eggs. The task didn't count these purchases either.
- When you complete the game and reset your progress, the progress is reset, but the hired penguins remain, which makes re-playing too easy.
- in the penultimate location where hiring penguins have to collect trash from the water, one of them probably gets stuck in the textures and stops working
I tried to study this as carefully as possible, thanks for the game, it's a cool vibe
Test on Phone 14 Pro
Nickname on game: Sambyd
Same problem with hiring penguins, hired all of them but quest is not completed. With new update there is no change, please help. Nickname: zaza
in progress
- Future update will fix this.
- You must do one more sticker transaction (burn an egg) for the system to update retroactively.
- Will update to include dashboard purchases.
- Noted and working to resolve.
- The penultimate location must be repaired!
JARVISI’ve collected all the achievements (99%), all of them are on my wallet now. But the last task ‘’collect all achievements’’ does not count.
Iphone 13 pro max
Nickname - dreamdealer17
ABS wallet -0xc553EE0343aCEaB4A98e59eb49b2435883606D93
JARVIS I have same problem with quest "Hire 20 pudgies" and also with quest "Build 10 igloos". I completed the game but quests are not completed. Can you check please? Ingame nickname: blackicarus, abs wallet 0x27d62965e30c721273e538680e44f5733226f2d5
JARVIS Fix this problem already, because of this we can't complete achievements and we have less experience and we are further down the leaderboard
sponge bob
JARVIS 1. any update on the update :) ? more than a month....
- not working unfortunately
I have the same issues Iphone 11 Pro
Horde Morn
Thanks! Some bugs to me